Special Forces underwater craft
SDV Mk.9 SEAL Delivery Vehicle
WTD-71 Aquatechnik SDV projects
British SDV developmemts in 1960s (Dick Tuson)
Cos.Mo.S Nessie Fast SDV submersible boat
Wholphin X2, Dolphin X1 and Piranha SDV-X
Cos.Mo.S CE4F 4-man SDV
Lockheed S301i, S351 and S302 Dry Combat Submersibles
Sphyrene and Coryphene SDVs
Vogo ASDV-800 Dry Combat Submersible
Narwal / Orca Dry Combat Submersible (UWTG)
USN Navy SEAL's UOES3 (Button 5.60) Dry Combat Submersible (DCS)
COMSUBIN's submersible boat
Proteus advanced SDV
SWSC (Shallow Water Combat Submersible) US Navy SEALs next gen' SDV
Cos.Mo.S CE2F chariot
SWUV (/ PSM3G) advanced SDV
Naval Spetsnaz in Hybrid Warfare (Russian SDVs and DPVs)
SubSEAL advanced SDV
Sleeping Beauty (Motorised Submersible Canoe) of WW2
SubCat SDV
Rotinor BlackShadow 730 and Divejet 414 Diver Propulsion Vehicles
P3M JetBoots Diver Propulsion System
Diver Adaptable Autonomous Propulsion Vehicle (DAAPV)
SharkMarine Mako DDS, Navigator, EagleRay etc
CSS-1 collapsible SDV
TorpedoSEAL Diver Propulsion Device
Gabler Sea Devil Swimmer Delivery Vehicle
Bonex HP and HP Shuttle Diver Propulsion Vehicles
Vogo DPD-200 diver propulsion device
Ortega Mk.1 Swimmer Delivery Vehicle
Vogo 'Chariot' SDVs (SDV-300, SDV-340...)
Triton-NN Submersible Boat
USN Closed-Cycle Energy Source SDV project
Marex Type-A (A2, A4, A5, Comex Total-Sub-01) SDVs
Polish Blotniak SDV
EMT FWS-1 to -5 Barracuda SDVs
Taedong-B 'Kajami' ('Zulfikar') submersible boat
Al-Sabehat 15 Swimmer Delivery Vehicle and related development
Special Forces surface craft
CCH (Combat Craft Heavy) SEALION and Alligator Semi-Submersible Boats
Specialized Marine Craft (MSC) Sepcial Forces intercptor
World survey of Special Operations Craft
WP-18 Tactical Strike Craft
Styx riverine Special Forces craft
Barracuda Special Forces interceptors
Special Forces Jet Skis
North Korean Very Slender Vessels (VSVs)
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USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23)
HUSKY Class future attack submarine
USS Parche spy sub par-excellence
Japanese Ko-Hyoteki midget submarine of WW2 - Pearl Harbor attack
BS-64 Podmoskovye Special Mission (spy) Host Submarine
Comex Sagittaire midget submarine
Soviet Project 1015 'SPLC' Special Purpose midget submarine
Project 09852 Belgorod Special Mission submarine (spy sub)
Russian Typhoon Class SSBN
Nuclear Missile submarines
World survey of AIP submarines
North Korean Gorae Class SSB
Barbel Class - the last front-line diesel boats int the US Navy
Iranian Nahang Class midget sub
Japanese Ha201 Sen-Taka-Sho fast attack submarine of WW2
infographic of North Korean MS-29 YONO Class midget sub
P.09851 KHABAROVSK and KANYON (Status-6)
Russian unbuilt spy submarine MPS
Stalin's Super Sub, Project P-2
Piranha Class (LOSOS) midget sub
Russian Losharik spy sub
Project 1910 UNIFORM Class deep diving spy sub
USS Halibut
USS Seawolf (SSN-575)
Russian X-RAY Class spy sub
Russian Sarov experimental sub
First DDS - Type-IIIA U-Boat
MSV-75 midget sub design
INS Arihant, Indian SSBN and .2
Iranian Fateh Class SSK
History of Israeli subs
HDS-500 Midget Submarine
Maritalia GST-23+ Midget Submarine
Crocodile 250 Midget Submarine
WW2 German Delfin midget submarine with AIP
Analysis (where not covered above)
Analysis of Swedish submarine incursion- Luleå 1983
The mystery of the Soviet Midget Submarine Gap - Royal Navy and CIA intelligence
Yantar spy ship loitering over undersea cables
Threat of narco-subs in Middle East
Russia seeks submarine advantage in Arctic (SHELF system, GUGI special mission subs)
Cutaway of Jules Verne’s Nautilus
Narco Subs 101
LTTE Sea Tigers' sneak craft and midget subs